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Today, the Constitutional right of owning firearms is under attack by the left daily.   They use any shooting to justify in taking away the rights of every American to defend themselves.   They want absolute power and then means disarming the general public.

Time to look at alternative weapons that aren't banned under their proposed rules.   We specialize in Less lethal options such as the JPX PEPPER GUN, PEPPER BALL and PEPPER SPRAY.   All of these should be included in your arsenal in the event something dramatic happens and our government goes full Marxist.
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JPX Standard Pepper Gun

We have had many requests for a lower priced version of our JPX 2 with laser and we now offer the JPX 2 Standard model.  
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Gun Free Zones can be Dangerous Places

Gun Free Zones can be Dangerous Places

Don't get caught in a gun free zone without some sort of protection.

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Welcome to our online store

Welcome to our online store

Welcome to our online store! Our team is proud to announce that we're now open for business, and we look forward to serving you all in the future. If you have any questions about this store or the products found within, please don't hesitate to contact us any time. Our website has been carefully designed to provide you with an amazingly flexible online shopping experience, and its ease of navigation is something we think you'll grow to depend on and appreciate. Feel free to browse our entire product catalog, and let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns about the items housed within. Our team is always ready and willing to assist our customers, and we are happy for your visit.
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